Art Garden Studio
About the Artist
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About the Artist

Xi Guang Zhou is a painter, sculptor, designer, and instructor. He has created hundreds of pieces of art, and has won many prestigious awards worldwide. Some of his artwork have earned him titles like "The Renowned Artist", "The Professional Artist", and "Elite Chinese Painter."

By combining the styles taught to him at an early age, with his own rich experiences, Xi Guang can draw on his inspiration to create complete masterpieces with his brush. His work is featured in the permanent collections in museums and galleries in China, The United States, Hong Kong, Australia, Taiwan, The Philippines, and Canada.

Artwork created by Xi Guang has been featured in many books and publications worldwide. He has been interviewed a number of times and has written quite a few articles and papers. In addition to his 30 years instructing the fine arts in one of the most well-known art schools in Asia, countless artists seek out his opinions and comments. He has also been invited as a guest professor to many art institutions in places like Austrailia and Hong Kong.